The tendency to be possessive and hoard comes from a deep rooted sense of incompleteness, dearth within oneself. Its on account of the primal ignorance that we live in, imagining that we are separate from everything else and our identity is limited and bound.This fundamental belief that that I have an separate identity of my own and am separate from the Supreme Reality (whether called as Brahman, Paramsamvit, Paramsiva, Supreme Consciousness, Universal Consciousness, Reality, God or by any other name according to each ones conditioning) and the ignorance that everything is the Supreme Consciousness, is the root cause of our ignorance.
The ignorance of who we are gives rise to deep rooted sense of limitation or creates a veil of ignorance. This Limitation is of five kinds limitation of place, time, attachment, knowledge, creativity. The limitation of Place, gives rise to the impression that I am in a specific place and not everywhere (viz I am at my home).
The limitation of Time, gives rise to the impression that I am in and subject to specific time (viz I am 12 years old, I am young, I am old). The limitation of Attachment gives rise to an impression that I am incomplete and I must have this and that to complete me (viz I need someone to complete me or I need something for being content).
The limitation of Knowledge, gives rise to the impression I know this and that but not everything (viz I know only what I have studied). The limitation of Creativity, gives rise to the impression that I have only a particular creative talent and this and that but have unlimited creative talent (vizĀ I have mastered art of music or writing). These five limitations or bondages act together and are caused by the primal ignorance (Maya illusion of individuality) of ones own nature.
Until one is free from this ignorance we believe we are limited, we have individuality, likes, dislikes, cravings, longings and becomes a limited individual subject to laws of cause and effect (Law of Niyati or Karma).
The feeling of incompleteness is born out of our primal ignorance. We crave, long to fulfill our desires for people, objects, achieving positions, because in our ignorance we believe that achieving our desires will fulfill or complete us.
This illusion drives our Action (Karma), whether in form of thoughts, speech, acts and dreams. Our Actions constantly influence our nature and in turn mould our personality. It is only when we realize that we are complete unto ourself and that nothing outside can ever complete us because we are already complete can we be free of the self created ignorance.
Once the realization of one true nature dawns by absolute Grace, one realizes the oneness within and without and we are filled with the eternal, perennial ambrosia which is our very nature.
To be worthy of such realization on has to begin with purity of heart born out of life lived selflessly, in gratitude for all that we are blessed with and as an expression of Grace. We have to engage in self inquiry to go to the root of our own Actions. Whenever we are compelled to succumb to old ways, we have to exercise wisdom and self control. Once we stop acting on the impulses of our mind, we are free from being enslaved to it.
Gradually, the mind is purified of its latent tendencies and shines clearly. We then enjoy whatever we are blessed with, giving our best to every moment as an offering of gratitude. This is the life of bliss, of acceptance of all that comes unsought. Then the magical journey of life automatically unfolds.